Structure of PTA

Each level of PTA has been established for the purpose of forming a nationwide movement to advocate the need to support and speak out on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, before governmental agencies, and other organizations that make decisions affecting all children.


The local PTA is the most important level of PTA. All other levels exist to serve the local PTA.

1. Operates as a self-governing body and is chartered by the state PTA.

2. Plans programs and activities to meet community needs.

3. Works at the school site, at home, and in the community for all children.

4. Serves as the local organization through which the State and National PTA objectives are carried out.

5. Is represented on the PTA Council of Howard County or at state PTA functions by the unit president and/or designated representatives.


1. Includes all units within the county.

2. Is the connecting link between locals and state PTA.

3. Serves as a conference body.

4. Provides workshops, leadership development, information, and programs.

5. Coordinates programs and projects of member units.

6. Works to promote PTA in the area.


1. Includes all who join local PTAs.

2. Liaison between National PTA and local/council PTA unit.

3. Organizes units and councils.

4. Cooperates with other groups and organizations working for youth.

5. Maintains a legislative advocate.

6. Holds an annual convention.

7. Interprets and implements policies, programs, and projects.

8. Provides workshops, field services and leadership development.

9. Provides publications.

10. Represented on the National PTA Board of Directors by the current State PTA President.


1. Includes all who join local PTAs.

2. Establishes basic policies.

3. Develops and funds projects that are national in scope.

4. Maintains legislative advocates at the federal level.

5. Provides field services and leadership development.

6. Develops and provides resource materials and publications.

7. Holds an annual convention.