Reflections Theme for 2024-25 is “Accepting Imperfection”

Entries must be submitted to PTACHC by DECEMBER 15TH

What is Reflections?

Reflections is a Nationwide PTA program that is a creative and fun way for all students to engage in the arts. There are 6 categories: film, dance, musical composition, photography, visual arts and literature; with 4 age groups for each category: K-2(Primary), 3-5(Intermediate), 6-8 (Middle) and 9-12 (Senior).

Students submit artwork to their local PTA. Works are judged at the local PTA level and the top three winning entries in each category and age group advance to the Council level.  Students must adhere to participation rules, as well as rules for their specific arts area.

The Reflections Chairperson finds the judges in the community and gets the kids excited through by talking to the teachers about integrating it into their school’s curriculum. Then you watch/listen in amazement as these talented youth bring you wonderful works of art!

From the Council level, the top three winners proceed to the state level.  The top winners at the state level in each category and age group proceed to the National PTA.

Each level of judging for the Reflections Program follows guidelines that include:

  • Sending your PTA Reflections Chair’s contact information to PTA Council via email (
  • Establishing a timeline for your PTA’s Reflection Program (anytime between Sept. and Nov.)
  • Promoting the program to your community
  • Distributing the rules, deadlines, and entry forms to participants
  • Collecting the student’s entries for judging
  • Organizing and hosting the judging
  • Celebrating the winners
  • Submitting winning artwork entries and required forms to the Council level

  • Please note: Only PTA’s in good standing may host the Reflections Program

For more information about the PTA Council of Howard County program please contact the Reflections Chair at:


Local Reflections Chairs Instruction Guide from PTACHC

2024-25 Reflections Handbook – Leader’s Guide to Reflections

General Guidance & Official Rules 2024-25

Leader’s Checklist
Shareable Promotional Materials  from National PTA – (Scroll down page below US map)


Student Entry Form 2024-25

Judging – Rubric & Score Card

2024-2025 Reflections Local Participation Forms – Each PTA must submit this form to Council when submitting entries


Student Certificate Sample

Volunteer Thank You Letter

Reflections Logo

Past Program Themes

Art Grants
Howard County Arts Grant – available after Jan. 15
National PTA Mary Lou Anderson Art Grant-Apply in January

National PTA Reflections Arts Program Winners 2023-24

Congratulations to the following students from Howard County!!!

Aadya Rai from Clarksville Middle School, who won the National PTA Award of Merit for a Music Composition,
titled “Ripples of Hope“.

Kaitlyn Hotrabhavananda from Dayton Oaks Elementary School, who won the National PTA Award of Merit
for Photography, titled “Learning from our mistakes makes a stronger world“.


Free State PTA Reflections Arts Program winners 2023-24


PTA Council Reflections Arts Program winners 2023-24

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